SWAN STATION: ORRIDO 120 (Special Episode)

GROUP SHOW and Residency Program, Hosted by Swan Station, Italy Curated by Something Must Break and Zoë De Luca Text by Zoë De Luca, Documentation by Something Must Break, Partnership with Flatland by O Fluxo. Featuring artists: Monia Ben Hamouda, Benni Bosetto, Lisa Dalfino and Sacha Kanah, Cleo Fariselli, Michele Gabriele, Andrea Magnani, Valerio Nicolai, Luca Pozzi, Federico Tosi. “It’s time to save the world and start digiting the secret code. Everybody is welcome in the SWAN STATION a Contemporary Art Digital Bunker, without pre-established geographical coordinates, characterized by a marked predisposition to counter-intuitive processes such as entanglement, temporal distortions, and multi-dimensionality. From now on to face the pandemic crisis from Covid-19 The exhibitions will be republished including new content and Virtual Reality 360°, to allow everyone immersive teleportation“ FACEBOOK: SwanStationlegacy INSTAGRAM:
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