osu! Livestream Highlights have been on a bit of a hiatus while we’ve sorted out osu! Alert and our website more. Thankfully now we’re back and our main goal is to keep it on a consistent schedule!
Thanks for watching, and if you have any clips you want to see in any future videos, please do comment them below!
All osu! skins used in this video:
0:00 - 0:37 Rafis
0:38 - 1:13 idke
1:14 - 1:42 fieryrage
1:43 - 2:16 Angelsim
2:17 - 2:52 WubWoofWolf
2:53 - 3:50 idke
3:51 - 4:06 -GN
... - 4:26 Azer
4:27 - 4:53 Rafis
4:54 - 5:21 BeasttrollMC
5:22 - 5:51 -GN
5:52 - 6:23 Rafis
6:24 - 6:53 HappyStick
6:54 - 7:12 -GN
7:13 - 7:52 Azer
7:53 - 8:35 HappyStick
8:36 - 9:01 Rafis
9:02 - 9:47 _RyuK
9:48 - 10:07 HappyStick
10:08 - 10:33 Angelsim
10:34 - 10:56 talala
Player: _Ryuk
_Ryuk’s Twitch:
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