What Would Snow White *Actually* Wear? || Making a Historically Accurate Disney Snow White Costume
hello! this project took FOREVER, and it is also my longest video so far I think? so I really hope you like this one! ❤️
00:00 Intro
01:12 When is “Snow White“ set?
03:52 The design: Cranach portraits
05:46 Reworking the color palette
07:11 Cranach gown research
08:40 The construction
14:25 The fabric
15:53 The collar
16:40 Making a cord
17:27 Embroidering the haube
18:42 The hemd
22:39 Painting the fabric
24:05 Abandoned kirtle attempt
24:29 Sleeve construction
27:17 Bodice construction
30:18 Brustfleck and white stomach piece
30:56 The skirt
31:55 White stomach piece - continued
32:37 Making the haube
33:02 Re-making the skirt FML
33:37 Trying it on
34:10 The collar wire
34:36 Back to the sleeve hell
35:33 Trying the whole thing on
35:41 The jewelry
36:58 The shoes
39:04 Summing up
check out other costubers and their !*stunning*! historical