Enjoy a breath taking and mind blowing compilation of the best URBAN & FREESKATE Skating moves - world wide freeride, trick & creative skating highlights by POWERSLIDE Inline Skates -
The Powerslide Urban inline skates are ideal for intense skating in the city. Whether you are looking for a durable hardboot for commuting, a high performance slalom skate or a reliable all-round setup to for freeriding, we have you covered. Powerslide offers the widest range of freestyle and freeride skates, with TRINITY 3-point mounting, 165 dual mounting, 3 wheels and 4 wheels, for adults and Kids. D
...iscover our greatest solutions for the urbanite skates.
Powerslide strongly recommends wearing safety equipment while skating.
Featuring our team skaters, friends & supporters on Powerslide Urban Inline skates:
Watch all of our URBAN / FREESKATE / SLALOM skate videos at:
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