Repair of generator systems from hydroelectric energy | Ana Bushcraft - Living off the grid

#anabushcraft #offgrid #cabin Please help me reach 1,000,000 sub: ---------------------------------------------------------- Repair of generator systems from hydroelectric energy | Ana Bushcraft - Living off the grid . How to harness hydroelectric power when living alone in the wilderness? ---------------------------------------------------------- Ana’s has been installing and using hydroelectric power for quite some time. Due to a part of the generator being submerged in water for days leads to damage and needs to be repaired. Ana’s has no spare parts at the moment and Ana’s repaired the generator herself Ana’s way. This method may not be used for a long time, but it can solve the immediate problem. How do people see Ana’s handling? How long do you think Ana’s generator will last? Leave your thoughts below in the comments section. Thank you very much and see you in the next videos on Ana Bushcraft channel. Watch More: 60 DAYS LIVING OFF GRID . . .
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