New Zealand MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke performed haka in parliament

New Zealand MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke performed a haka in a powerful speech during her first appearance in parliament. Maipi-Clarke is Aotearoa’s youngest MP since 1853 and is seen as representing the ’kohanga reo’ generation of young Māori. #newzealand #maipiclarke #haka #dance #maoris #nocomment No agenda, no slant. Get the picture without the commentary: subscribe to No Comment channel Find us on: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: @nocomment_euronews Flipboard: @euronews/no-comment-ro8elffsz Newsletter: #newsfeed No Comment is brought to you by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
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