First i tried this on CS:GO almost 2 years ago, but honestly just forgot about it, and since CS:GO has morphed to CS2 - now i tried the same there, and as it turns out - third person mode in CS2 is actually playable! :D
sv_cheats 1
c_minpitch 0
c_maxpitch 0
c_thirdpersonshoulder 1
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 240
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist 50
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 0
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset 25
cam_idealpitch 0
cam_idealyaw 0
cam_idealdist 50
cam_idealdelta 4
cam_ideallag 3
weapon_accuracy_nospread true
Same instructions as with TF2’s third person mode script - create an empty .txt file, name it “thirdperson“, convert the file format to .cfg, paste all the commands, then put the .cfg file in your “cfg“ folder (csgo/cfg), then open ““ file and bind the .cfg file you created to any free key, for example:
bind “5“ “exec thirdperson“
After you picked a side - simply press the button once, and you’re done ;)
To switch back to first person - bind the “firstperson“ command to any free key as well:
bind “6“ “firstperson“
- The aim is misaligned on long distances (5 meters or more), though on short/middle ranges bullets go almost exactly where you point the crosshair (within 4-5 meters), just try to aim right from the crosshair, after few rounds of practice - it gets super easy :)
- Shotguns don’t eject shells while shooting, while other weapons ejects 2 shells per 1 shot (not script’s fault, hopefully will be fixed by the developers);
- The image gets blurry while zooming with SG553’s or AUG’s scope (the issue is in scopes themselves, if anyone knows how to fix that - please let me know);
- Zooming with any sniper rifle is broken (the actual scope doesn’t appear and it just looks like you brought the camera closer to the shoulder. Hopefully all these issues will be fixed in the future.
GameBanana script link:
Taras_F97 - Console Commands and Testing.
Thank you for watching! :)
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