Crimea bridge appears damaged amid reports of explosions
The Russian-built Kerch Bridge, a key supply line for Russian troops in Ukraine, was damaged in an ’emergency’ situation which killed two people and injured a child, Russian officials said on Monday.
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Sergei Aksyonov, the Russia-installed governor in Crimea, said the incident occurred on the 145th pillar of the bridge, which links the Crimean peninsula to the Russian region of Krasnodar.
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#Ukraine #Crimea #Russia #Bridge #News
2 months ago 00:31:31 1
Автопутешествие Москва-КРЫМ-Москва: Крымский мост, Генеральские пляжи - Часть 2
3 months ago 00:12:11 1
Lovitura de la Poltava demoralizează. Kuleba e pa și pusi. Boris e obsedat de podul Kerci