“The Death of Salvador Dalí“ is a short film written and directed by Delaney Bishop. The plot of this fantasy film involves Salvador Dalí consulting Sigmund Freud on how to depict madness in his artwork.
Salvador Benavides - Salvador Dalí
Robert Cesario - Sigmund Freud
Dita Von Teese - Gala Dalí
Mary Burton - Angela
Alejandro Cardenas - Luis Buñuel
Raphael Edwards - Paul Éluard
Alan Shearman - André Breton
The film won the Jury’s Special Award for Excellence in Cinematography at the Aarhus Film Festival, in Denmark in 2006.
Salvador Benavides won Best Actor for his role as Salvador Dalí at the Nosotros Film Festival on August 27, 2006 in Los Angeles.
Dita Von Teese won the award for Best Female Performance for her depiction of Dali’s wife Gala, at The Beverly Hills Film Festival in 2006.