If Genshin Impact had randomly occurring bosses

So I’ve been having fun watching random moments from the Yakuza series, and in Yakuza Kiwami, there’s something called the ’Majima Everywhere System’ where you will randomly get attacked by a dude named Majima, and the in-canon explanation is that he’s trying to make the both of you stronger. And he will pop out from anywhere, including taxi cabs, sewers, and trash cans😂 So I thought ’Wow, that sounds like something Childe would do lol’. And I haven’t been able to get this thought out of my head for about 1-2 weeks, so I spent a day making this and it’s finally done and now I can move on.... Hope you guys like it! Feel free to leave a comment, a like, a sub 👀, etc.! It fuels me with serotonin 😊 Audio sources: Zach screaming Sarah screaming “Are you ready to be wrong?“ Other lines are from Traveler or Childe’s voice lines credit to hoyoverse for the models and festivity for the shader made in blender #genshinimpact #aether #lumine #childe #tartaglia
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