Super crazy ideas! Make masterpiece aquarium car from cement

Our latest video-making masterpiece aquarium car is a big thanks to over two million subscribers who always follow and support us. With the dimension of a real car, the aquarium car gives you the most real experience of the whole beauty of a big aquarium inside and catches anyone’s eyes. Don’t let you wait any longer, watch the full video and learn how to make a masterpiece aquarium car from cement and glass. ---- Materials: red brick, cement, sand, iron, electric handy cutter, paintbrush, hot melt glue gun, hot melt glue stick, pebbles, mini pump, light bulb, formex, aluminum sheet, car tire, car mirror, glass, plastic pipe, ruler bar, transparent mica sheet, timber formwork, ceramic ring filter. Paint color: blue navy, orange, white, light brown ---- Please press Subscribe to update the latest videos and leave your comments! ----- Our 2nd youtube channel: ----- See more new ideas: 
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