Legio V Macedonica: The Last Roman Legion

#RomanLegions #RomanHistory #LegioVMacedonica 📜 Throughout the history of the Roman Empire, countless legions have been raised and disbanded, but only one legion endured the entirety - the Legio V Macedonica. Through battles and victories, the V Macedonica maintained its loyalty, earning titles that reflect their unwavering devotion and commitment to defending the interests of the Roman Empire, inheriting another title of the last legion of the Roman Empire known to history... Timeline: * 43 BC: The legion is formed by the consul Gaius Vibius Pansa, on the orders of Augustus; * 30 BC - 6 AD: The legion is located in the province of Macedonia; * 6-62 AD: The V Macedonica is based at the military base at Oescus in the province of Moesia; 45-46 AD: Legio V Macedonica is sent to suppress the Thracian rebellion; * 62-71 AD: The legion served in the eastern provinces of Roman Empire; 62-66 AD: Transferred to Pontus to fight against the Parthian Empire; 66 AD: Move
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