Is it a number station?
No. Number stations send using fixed schedules, The Buzzer sends at unpredictable times.
Additionally, number stations are for spy broadcasts, while The Buzzer is a military station.
Who is behind it?
The russian military, more precisely the western military district of the Russian Ground Forces
What is the buzzing noise?
The Buzzing is a so-called “channel marker“. It marks the frequency so that other radio operators know it’s occupied. It also serves as a tune-in assistant when tuning into the frequency on older radio equipment
Since when has this station been running?
The first confirmed recordings and logs are from 1982. Some believe the station started earlier, but this has yet to be proven.
I heard music/morse/background talking on the frequency!
99% of the cases everything you hear except for the buzzing and voice messages originates from other sources, such as pirates and other stations.
But they played music once!
Yes, they did, but this was during them moving the station and testing equipment. They didn’t just play music in the background of The Buzzer
When is the next voice message gonna be sent?
Messages are not able to predicted, yet.
I heard moving, whistling, paper noises, etc
Radio noise can easily be mistaken for human activity, so your brain is probably making stuff up.
How I can listen to it on my own radio?
If you wanna listen on your own radio, your radio should be SSB capable (if not, voice messages will be distorted).
It also, obviously, needs to support shortwave. Baofengs do not work
3 years ago 00:01:03 4
9 months ago 00:02:08 1
UVB-76/The buzzer 4625 kHz USB | Live 🔴 | Stream on an old laptop, sorry for the lags!
6 months ago 00:00:00 75
UVB-76/The Buzzer (4625Khz) LIVE
1 year ago 00:03:04 1
Увб-76/Uvb-76/The Buzzer ( 10:28 UTC Voice message) (4625kHz) Голосовое сообщение