Paper Jungle - Sleight of Hand by Antoine

Paper Jungle - Sleight of Hand by Antoine Sleight of hand created, curated and performed by Antoine with credit to creators of components. Instagram: MOVE LIST: 0:16 fire production 0:19 spicy change 0:25 tower production 0:30 ribbon spread change 0:37 fan change 0:51 angel production 0:57 OH production 1:05 padiddle change 1:12 color change sequence 1:22 action change 1:28 REL fan 1:36 bounce production 1:43 carpet change 1:48 skywalker change 1:49 spring change 1:53 bridge change 2:08 spread change 2:20 bounce change 2:25 mantra production 2:32 tnr Video produced by cardsingoodhands. Instagram: Cards by anyone worldwide. YouTube: ​​ Instagram: Sound by NxxxxxS Karriem Riggins Groundislava SOUDIERE With special thanks to Ethan and Filip S.
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