Hz | Cleanse The Pain from Past & Manifest Self-Acceptance - Forgive Yourself | Sleep Music

Don’t let the pain from the past interfere with your present and future. Many people suffer from an old pain that originates in their deep past. This pain from long ago defines the ways these people react on the situations nowadays and therefor this old pain shapes their future, as the future depends on the decisions we make and the steps we take in the present. Do you think it is wise to let the events from the old times control our whole life? I think it is not. Take the control of your life back in your own hands. The sleep meditation music facilitates the self-healing processes in your soul. Accept this assistance. The healing frequencies fill your body with energy and your spirit with courage to manifest the ultimate self-acceptance and to cut the negative energy anchors that are attaching you to your past and forbidding to move on. The healing sounds of the sleep meditation music give you the energy and ability to forgive yourself for any mistakes of your past. The spiritual healing mu
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