Wing Chun in MMA / UFC - (Tony Ferguson, Anderson Silva, Jon Jones)
A look into Wing Chun in MMA (Wing Chun in UFC) competition featuring three of the top fighters including Tony Ferguson, Jon Jones and Anderson Silva.
In this video, you see Wing Chun techniques being used in the cage in different ways by all three fighters.
For Tony Ferguson Wing Chun is part of his daily training.
For Anderson Silva Wing Chun is trained on the wooden dummy and as part of JKD training.
Both Ferguson and Silva bring their Wing Chun Training into their fights.
Jon Jones uses Wing Chun style kicks he calls oblique kicks for both attack and defense.
Tony Ferguson’s smothering tactics are right out of Wing Chun’s constant forward energy concept and his close range trapping into hacking elbows offer a devastating attack.
Using Wing Chun in the UFC and other MMA competitions is more prevalent than people are aware.
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