КРОТЫ-ХОМЯКИ Обсуждение:Кроты-хомяки

Обсуждение:Кроты-хомяки Синдром_навязчивой_мелодии Хомячки So here is translate into english: Moles, hamsters (x4) Here is a mole, here is the hamster Hrum-Hrum, Peck, Peck, Peck The crowds gathering of moles Are going to the base of the hamsters La-la-la-la Will be a battle, will be the meat Thick bodies in ecstasy The fate of the people Wall to wall A mole on the hamster War of the waste and freaks The war, which enters the Century A mole with a machine gun A mole with a pistol A hamster with a knife an
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