Judo 2013 Grand Slam Paris: Quadros (CUB) - Udaka (JPN) [-57kg] bronze
Ketleyn Quadros (CUB) - Nae Udaka (JPN) [-57kg] bronze HD
Judo 2013 Grand Slam Paris
The most complete judo information and judo video site on techniques, kata, rules and with thousands of categorized judo video’s of all major tournaments since 1961 user-friendly indexed by tournament on
1 view
3 months ago 00:11:37 6
Banned Judo techniques - Leg grabbing throws
6 months ago 01:07:33 1
IV международный турнир по ДЗЮДО олимпийского чемпиона ХЮСЕЙНА ОЗКАНА | Измит (Турция) | День 1
6 months ago 00:00:54 1
#Shorts 【喧嘩四つで超高速肩車に入る方法】How to get into a super-fast kataguruma with four fights