Use this groove for better hihat work! 💪

Hihat embellishments! 🗝 The key to adding flair to any groove without losing the pocket/feel. Use this video to practice playing 5-stroke-rolls on the hihat while maintaining the kick and snare pattern. 💪 This is how I’ve always practiced, and it’s played an enormous part in my growth as a drummer: ✅ 1) Find a problem area or something I want to improve at. ✅ 2) Create a groove, fill or exercise that forces me to work on that problem. ✅ 3) Practice that groove, fill or exercise until I can play it fluidly. Now I’ve improved at my problem AND I’ve added something new to my vocabulary! If you want to practice in this proven way, but wan’t a BIG shortcut for Step 2, check out my Fill & Groove Lesson Packs! 💪 500 fills and grooves that you can instantly start practicing on in order to fix the weak areas in your drumming and hugely expand your vocabulary at the same time. Get the lessons here (&#
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