Nani Bregvadze Нани Брегвадзе ნანი ბრეგვაძე : “The Moon“ (Prayer) in Georgian !

Her voice has been accompanying me through all my age of understanding with its delicate, yet sultry air. Her soulful interpretations of old Russian romances and Georgian (being Her origin) songs have always had a special meaning to me. Great artist and a beautiful lady: Nani Bregvadze. I am so happy to “welcome“ her here, on my channel ! “The Moon“ (Prayer) Moon, you are so beautiful but your heart is so cold. Why you stare at me so intently ! I am concerned by the emptiness of peoples souls Beauty, do you see how my heart is trembling Light up my way, moon, Keep me from human betrayal I seek salvation for my sins What can I do ? The depth of your eyes is like crying clouds in heaven Keep me from human betrayal Hide me behind the clouds Take the detached view at your life Be good to people God in heavens would ask us for our sins There is no price that I would not pay For good and noble deeds I
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