Lacan and Heidegger: Derek Hook interview Christos Tombras (Part 1 of 3)

What are the benefits of reading Lacan alongside Heidegger, and Heidegger alongside Lacan? Christos Tombras, Lacanian psychoanalyst and author of ’Discourse Ontology’ (Palgrave, 2019), offers his reflections on this question. Further questions emerge. How are we to use Heidegger today, given his association with the Nazi regime? Are Lacan and Heidegger not incompatible given Lacan’s commitment to a kind of (psychoanalytic) ethics as opposed to Heidegger’s commitment to ontology? Furthermore: might Heidegger’s value to psychoanalysis be in part the result of the critical questions he directs at Freudian psychoanalysis?
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