14 Metal Amp shootout - Rhythm - Mesa Boogie, Marshall, Engl, Peavey, Diezel, Fortin, Framus etc.

As the title says. 30 seconds each for 14 amps. All songs are Feared songs except the Diezel Einstein clip where I play Nevermore Riverdragon has come, and the Hughes and Kettner Triamp vid where I play Bolt Thrower War. For quick navigation: Mesa Boogie Road King - 0:05 Hughes Kettner Triamp - 0:36 Engl Savage - 1:05 Mesa Boogie Mark IV - 1:36 Peavey 5150 - 2:05 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier - 2:36 Framus Cobra - 3:05 Marshall JVM 410 - 3:35 EVH 5150mk3 - 4:06 Engl Blackmore - 4:35 Fortin Natas - 5:05 Diezel Einstein - 5:36 Elmwood Modena M60 - 6:05 Mesa Boogie Roadster - 6:36 Just to answer if I own all this equipment or not. NO I don’t own all these amps. The ones I owned was the Dual Rectifier, Engl Savage and the Engl Blackmore.
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