Philippine Army launches TOW Missile, first ever Missile Launch in its History?

* Audio generated from the Website using the English (US) - Male - Standard-J from the TTS Server 1 * Images and Videos used are from the: - Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) - PTV YouTube Channel - Raytheon Missile and Defense YouTube Channel * Music is “Your Road“ by Keys of Motion from the FreeStockMusicdotcom Website Please Subcribe to my Channel at , and Like and Share my Videos, thanks. #PhilippineArmy #HukbongKatihanngPilipinas #Tube-launchedOptically-trackedWireless-guidedMissile #TOWMissile #ImprovedTargetAcquisitionSystem #ITAS #RaytheonMissileandDefense #DonaldTrump #7thInfantryDivision #TrainTheTrainer #TacticalAviationandGroundMunitions #TAGM #PTV #DefenseVisualInformationDistributionService #DVIDS #YourRoad #KeysofMotion #FreeStockMusicdotcom Philippine Army, Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas, Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wireless-guided Missile, TOW Missile, Improved Target Acquisition System, ITAS,
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