Dr Brown: The Shocking Truth about the Imprisonment of Torben Sondergaard

Dr. Brown interviews Torben for a full hour, live, as he details his shocking arrest and detention in America and what the Lord did in his life while in prison. You can find the original video on the AskDrBrown Youtube channel: We encourage you to watch these movies: 👉 The Last Reformation: The Beginning: 👉 The Last Reformation: The Life: 👉 7 Days’ Adventure with God: What is the gospel? 👉 Share the gospel yourself with gospel cards! 💡 👉Order them here: For kickstarting your (house) church in following Jesus, check out our free app and video series. 💎 Get your religious glasses off! 😎🙂 This practical FREE online school with 28 lessons has changed the lives of thousands of people. 👉 Connect with disciples of Jesus in your area 🌎 Or visit an event around the world. See the yellow icons on the website below 🌎 Don’t miss out on our latest content! Subscribe to our channel for future updates. HELP US TO TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO
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