Join the Rising Sun Alliance to defend the Land of Nave - Mortal Online 2
The Rising Sun Alliance has been the longest running Anti-Random Player Killer alliance in Mortal Online 2 community. It was founded in the Spring of 2022 and has roamed the lands protecting new and old adventures throughout the lands.
We fight hard and vigilantly against those who wish to taint the land with blood of innocence. We protect the lands against those who are murders and criminals, or are part of guilds that have soiled reputations.
Join us today!
Who to contact in the RSA:
CATACLAW - cataclaw
NZTAG - nztag
Ligg - varadain
Knights of the Rose
Sirviktorius - Crashgaming247
Tenna - tenna.
New Dawn
Soldis - eirfaith
BRIKK - masterqwerty
In game Footage provided by:
Cataclaw - @mgCataclaw
Dreamfoil - @69420Brandon
HeavyHittaHYD - Unbroken
Rogon - @RogonGames
Snavpav - @Snavpav
SirKritz - @sirkreitz4484
SirViktorius - @crashgaming9007
Tenna - @TennaTheGinger
Torgaddon - @Noob3rt123