Crazy saxophone sound with Shaking Tube & the echo from the pipeline | Armin Küpper

This sound is particularly crazy on the gas pipeline! Simply immerse yourself and let the music emerge in the moment. I love that ! The complete version is available on my album: “Pipeline Sounds Volume 1“ Track: Shaking Tube stream/download my music on your favorite platform: Spotify: ITunes: üpper/1524668377 Amazon MP3: üpper ..and some more ! for a support and a thank you for my work : Thank you very much ! Music, video, sound recordings & edit: by Armin Küpper my website : #saxophone #pipeline #ArminKüpper #echo tags: saxophone, echo, arminküpper, natural, delay, 管道, सैक्सोफोन, ساكسفون ,sassofono, eco, ekko, saksofon, саксофон, эхо, saxofone, saksafon, yankısarca, АрминКюппер, saksifun, sax, saksofonistas, lejazz, σαξόφωνο, amsakuwa, saxófón, サックス, エコー, saksofonas, džiazas, சாக்ஸபோன், แซ็กโซโฟน, saxofonu, ਸੈਕਸੋਫੋਨ, ساڪسفون, శాక్సోఫోన్, szakszofon, Đànkèn, സാക്സോഫോൺ, סַקסוֹפוֹן, 색소폰 폰, makon,i sacsoffon, 萨克斯风, ସାକ୍ସୋଫୋନ୍, tenorsaxophone, tenor, sentimental, tenorsax, meditation, entspannungsmusik, energy, solosax, spiritua, epic, jazz, saxophoneplayer, ottolink, silver, #gaspipeline, nordstream2, dasrohr, tube, tubesound, newsounds, neuemusik, baustelle, constructionsite, zeelink, teleport, teleportation, relaxed, röhrensound, special, saxofonista, saxophonspieler, schüttelrohr, shakingtube
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