Be The Best Of Whatever You Are - Poem by Douglas Malloch

Be The Best Of Whatever You Are. A poem by Douglas Malloch. Malloch encourages us all to recognise our talent and our ’place’ and simply apply ourselves to make the very best of our opportunities. We can do no more than that, he says. The poem is at once inspirational, gently humourous and uncomplicated. Malloch’s skill lies in speaking directly, from the heart, without artifice. His humanity and authenticity shine through. Douglas Malloch (May 5, 1877 – July 2, 1938) was an American poet, short-story writer and Associate Editor of American Lumberman, a trade paper in Chicago. He was known a “Lumberman’s poet“ both locally and nationally. He is noted for writing Round River Drive and “Be the Best of Whatever You Are“ in addition to many other creations. He was commissioned to write the Michigan State Song. (Wikipedia - ) Image Credit: Photo by Paige Weber on Unsplash. With thanks. Colin McLean,
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