Gateway to Arabic Book Five, Lesson 14, Cardinal Numbers 11 and 12

Please consider making a donation to my charity “Helping Hands for Education“ and click on this link: The numbers 11 and 12 are formed from the combination of two numbers. Both parts of these numbers agree with the gender of the nouns they define. The noun defined by these numbers takes the singular accusative form. Neither part of number 11 is declinable: no matter what its role in the sentence, it takes a fatha ending. The second part of number 12 (i.e. the ‘ten’ part) is also indeclinable. However, the first part (i.e. the ‘two’ part) is declined like a dual noun or adjective. In other words, it is written with an alif ending in the nominative, and a yaa ending in the accusative and genitive.
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