6 SECRET STEPS Successful People Use To HIT ANY GOAL | Rob Dial

Here are 6 Steps to help you hit any goal... 1. Fix your mind on the exact goal you want. You need to be extremely specific because you won’t hit a target that you can’t see. The more clear and concise you get with that goal, the better your chance of hitting it is. 2. Determine what you plan to give up to get what you want. To do something you’ve never done, you’re going to have to stop doing some things that have been slowing your progress towards your goal. 3. You need to establish a definite date that you will hit these goals. A goal without a deadline is just a dream. The human mind works really well with deadlines. 4. Come up with a plan. Pretend that this goal is a business plan and create actionable steps to achieve it. 5. Write out a clear and concise statement. This can be 4-5 sentences where you explain steps 1-4. 6. Read the above statement at least every morning and evening. You’re setting your subconscious mind in the evening
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