You Have Kept Me (How Sweet Is Your Word To Me) Skylar Dayne UPPERROOM

@upperroom #upperroom #worship #UpperroomDalas From UPPERROOM: “His presence transforming lives... morning, noon and night. For the latest information on all things UPPERROOM Dallas, be sure to sign up for our newsletter at and follow us on social media. Love you. Live Stream Schedule 2023 Monday — 10am - 2pm Tuesday — 10am - 2pm Wednesday — 10am - 2pm Thursday — 10am - 2pm Sunday — 10am 5pm website: --- OUR PRIMARY ACTIVITY is to minister to the heart of the Lord. Prayer Room | House of Prayer Musicbed SyncID: MB01W8V3ULBBK70 MB01WP6L7LMUTSH MB01HOGG2TNM4PC “ From... Me: **I do not own rights to music or video** This moment was just so sweet and ministering to me that i had to make it available for others.
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