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Kendo, Kodachi no Kata (long sword vs short sword) demonstration during the 2022 Kagami Biraki & Budo Hajime, at the Nippon Budokan.
Demonstration by Toyomura Azumori, Hanshi 8th Dan, & Kurita Waichiro, Hanshi 8th Dan.
The Kagami biraki is a traditional ceremony that translates to “opening the mirror“ (symbolically).
Taking its roots in the Shogunate, it is strongly linked to Budo practice and, naturally, the Budo Hajime (the first practice of the year) is celebrated at the same time.
At the Nippon Budokan, the ceremony is held at the beginning of January a
...nd consists in:
- The Kagami biraki, with a historical reconstruction (in armor).
- Budo Demonstrations (by the 9 “official Budo“).
- Budo Hajime (the first practice of the year, all practitioners present can practice).
- The Oshiruko kai. “Oshiruko” is a traditional and popular sweet aShow more