#acrylicpouring, #fluidart #flowart @globalcolours
What you will find on my YouTube creators channel: 2023
Friendly Artistic Creativity,
Fun and laughter and artistic learning shown in a light hearted manner.
Few names used to describe my artist activities:
Acrylic pouring art, fluid art, flow art.
Educational art therapy, relaxing art creations #asmr
My link to find Global colours,impasto paint colours, “keep it simple” pouring medium and more
This is where you can find Global colours paints and products
If your in USA OR CANADA you can find my globalcolours paints and keep it simple pouring medium here
Use discount code GILLY10 for your 10% discount
Art supplies and more,consider taking a look at my Amazon shop
No extra cost to you if you shop from my Amazon store, I may eve