Revelation 21-27: The New Heaven and Earth

Leaders: Karen Campbell, preaching; James Abbington; alumni from the James Abbington Church Music Academy; Tony Alonso; Marty Haugen; Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.; Emmett G. Price III Learn more at Throughout our world in recent years, Christians along with everyone else have been convulsed by terrorism, martyrdom, persecution, and political upheavals of many varieties. Like other key moments in history, these are days when the Church needs to rely on the foundations of the faith and on that utter certainty that Christ really is the First and the Last whose loving hands hold together God’s people in heaven and on earth. The Bible’s closing book of Revelation is filled with majesty and mystery. But weaving throughout is the golden thread that God is in charge over even the most tumultuous of earthly events. The past has not undone our God in Christ, the present is held by God’s grace, and the future is sure and
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