RING OF THE OLD LORE Singing with the Standing Stones of Orkney Islands Scotland

Listen / Download - Deya Dova recording RING OF THE OLD LORE - Spontaneously sung and recorded live on location in nature with the standing stones of the Ring of Brodgar. An ancient stone henge on Orkney Islands, Scotland, found within Earth energy line intersection UVG Planetary Grid Point 11. From Deya Dova’s 7 year Planetary Grid Music Journey singing and recording with the resonance of living breathing Earth - Gaia - at over 44 locations across the planet. RING OF THE OLD LORE is Track 3 from Album 12 of the Planetary Grid Music Collection “The sun rises up, sweeping out over the vast Orcadian landscape wet with loch and dew. I sing enveloped in the elements, listening to the leylines of the land inside the huge Neolithic stone circle, the Ring of Brodgar. As I sing I am experiencing the original significance of this carefully mapped out container, where human comes to understand it’s place within the greater cosmological picture. Here in the axis mundi where Heaven and Earth meet through biological body and flesh, I feel the original teachings of Fire. As I sing I am experiencing a sense of urgent planetary awakening. Now is the time to re atone with our spiritual nature. Now is the time to re a-tune with our natural environment. The life force energy in the sacred ring of stones is breathtaking and as I sing the sound seems to puff and blow life over the embers of a fire, over the seeds lying dormant in the Earth. The face of the Creator shines back like a sun and I am filled with a sense of a noble presence, upright and sovereign. All I can do is move out of the way to let the song be sung.” The whole region in which I stand is a ceremonial gathering place, a colossal prehistoric ritual complex connecting stone temples, chambered cairns, sentinel stones, and multiple stone circles. All aligned and interwoven with the grand procession of Nature. I hear the beat of fur skin drums and the gathering of clans. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle up as the song rattles through my bones awakening an ancient ancestral memory. Within this ceremonial temple complex the people were gathered and shown the Lore of the Land. The way to live together in peace and thrive. It was here the Old Lore was set. And upheld. From distant places the stones where gathered, from distant lands the tribes are gathered. Every one of it’s 60 stones, of which 27 now stand, beckon to be touched to transfer these records of the space. All enclosed in a deep ditch cut into the bedrock, setting the sacred space apart from the everyday world. The song is filled with electrical charge and as I sing I feel a circle of representatives within a unified community. Keepers of the Fire. The geothermal energy whomps into my feet and I am getting hotter in the cold blasts of Atlantic air. As I sing I literally feel lit. Blazing with golden light and life. Radiating. Rekindling. I am experiencing the spark and potentiality of the Human Spirit. Igniting. Centred in Good-Spiritedness. A spark of renewal. A startling horn bellows in across the loch summoning a rise to sovereignty. Heralding a time of awakening. Of “We the People of Earth”. The song invokes the divinity and dignity of the Human family living in cooperative coherence. It remembers Humankind’s duty to serve the fire of Creation.” Videography - Hamilton Barnett Video Production - Deya Dova CONNECT I am Deya Dova. I grew up in a remote town on the edge of the Nullarbor desert of South Australia. I taught myself to sing sitting on the Earth, with vast horizon lines and immense desert starscapes. For the last 7 years I have been called to return to the origins of my music making, to record Earth songs on the energy lines around the planet. I call it the - Planetary Grid Music Collection - an artistic exploration of sound mapping with the voice, field recording in nature and connecting with the Earth’s energetic system. As a recording artist my creative process is to listen to the Earth and from a place of stillness, spontaneously sing in response to the land - in honouring and reverence. The video footage organically follows the live recording of the song as it unfolds in the moment. An on the fly, live location recording with ancient Earth. I share my experience as an artist with you in appreciation of the beauty and wonder of our planet. These songs are released as an exclusive series of 12 mini albums. A wellspring of Meditation Music, Healing Music and Yoga Music connecting with the healing resonance of Earth.
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