741 HZ - Сleansing the body | Best music for Relaxation

741 HZ is a signal for cleansing and healing cells from the effects of electromagnetic radiation. It helps to expand the possibilities for creating the desired reality. The frequency of 741 Hz cleanses cells from toxins, viral, bacterial or fungal infections, as well as from electromagnetic radiation. The “salt“ note leads to a healthy lifestyle, as well as to changes in diet — switching to foods that are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. The fifth frequency of the solfeggio scale will give you the power of self-expression, and as a result, will lead you to a bright, stable and spiritual life. Another application of this sound frequency is solving problems of any nature. 741 HZ - сигнал к очищению и исцелению клеток от воздействия электромагнитного излучения. Помогает расширить возможности для создания желаемой реальности. Частота 741 Гц очищает клетки от токсинов, вирусных, бактериальных или грибковых инфекций, а также от электромагнитных излучений. Нота «соль» приводит к здоровому образу жизни, а та
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