Рыбный промысел коренных народа Приамурья.Рыбалка сетями на Амуре. Жизнь в деревне. Деревенские люди

Fisheries of the indigenous peoples of the Amur region. Fishing with nets on the Amur. How the elderly indigenous peoples of the Amur region survive. Village life. The Lower Amur is one of the largest freshwater rivers in the world and the largest river in Northeast Asia. More than 130 species of various fish live in its waters. Here you can meet rare individuals that are not found in any other river of the planet. Fishing on the Amur has been carried out since time immemorial. First of all, the natives. ✅ I show real life. Deep Russia. Hello!!! My name is Galina Solovyova! I live in the Far East. Khabarovsk Territory, Ulchsky District, village. Mace. According to the Ulchi nation. I love my family and my beloved pets very much. I really want to share this love with y
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