Видео от Испанский в кайф - Онлайн школа испанского
#Rosalia #Spanish
#Andalusia #Catalan
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Today we are going to break down the Spanish of Rosalia. By the end of the video, you will know how Rosalia’s Spanish. We will also play a video of her speaking Catalan and discover the mystery and controversy of her Andalusian and Latin accent.
What’s up guys today we are going to look at Rosalia’s Spanish
The singer from Barcelona has become one of the most International Spanish singers of the moment singing with Billy Eilish, J Balvin,and Bad Bunny
The first time I listened to Rosalia, I must confess I didn’t understand shit . It was like 0. And she was speaking in my language. So today I want to solve the mystery of her Spanish.
Stay until the end because we are going to tell you a controversial moment about Rosalia and her accent. Let’s jump straight into it!
Let’s listen to Rosalia Speaking Spanish.
Now I must say the way she sings and speaks...
For my colombian ear... Most accents in Spain sound very similar, and to me she sound quintessentially Spanish. She has the theta sound vulgarly known as the lisp, she has the European intonation… you get it
Now there are a couple of exceptions of accents that make me go hmmmmmm in Spain.
There is the accent of canary islands that is just like the accent in Venezuela)
There is the Andalusia accent which completely lacks consonants Oaoeo aooeoeo oeiuo
And I think this is the accent I heard Rosalia use in her songs
Play Rosalia que no salga la luna clip
Now, Rosalia became famous for initially singing flamenco as she explained in the interview.
Flamenco songs are mainly from Andalucia and not from Catalonia
Now Rosalia being from Catalonia, also speaks and sings in Catalan. After this video check out Millonaria by her to listen to her singin in Catalan. It’s super hot!, but let’s hear her speaking Catala
Wow Well, It is probably the most beautiful language. I think I kind of understand but not really. Maybe I could get used to Catalan in time, but it is so different. It is like all the opposite of Andalucian accent, instead of just vowels aoroeofoeo it is just consonants Hls cm stats moltetx ben?
Now this video cannot go without controversy… So in the 2020 Grammy after receiving two awards rosalia gave this brief interview. She spoke like this.
Play Porque Habla Asi? Clip
In this video she was criticized and made fun a lot for trying to speak with a very forced Latin American accent. After the interview it caused a lot of controversy in the social networks.
Let’s play it again
Play Porque Habla Asi? Clip
Maybe Dominican I would say…
It could be that Rosalia is trying to get her accent to sound more Latin American for the audience in the US.
Or maybe she has been actually influenced by the many languages and accents in her home in LA
Or possibly she just couldn’t hear herself at this event…
Whatever the case, Rosalia is a chameleon. She is fluent in Spanish English and Catalan, signs with an Andaluz accent and sometimes in Catalan.. She uses her accents and languages to fit each situation. I think we are going to be talking about and listening to Rosalia for years.
So what do you guys think of how Rosalia speaks? Do you know any more details about her changes in accents and language? Comment below
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