Men’s 73 | TOP 3 | IWF World Cup 2024

Men’s 73-kg division outperformed our expectations by witnessing exciting and unexpected results. We were constantly under pressure while watching the live performance as nobody knew how each lift would result. SUHAREVS Ritvars SHI Zhiyong ABDULLAH Rahmat Erwin JUNIANSYAH Rizk 🏷️Use promocode MEDIA to get 15% Discount for all programs 🏋️‍♂️🆓 _*TOROKHTIY FREE PROGRAM*_ : Introductory Olympic Weightlifting Training 2-Week Cycle with 4 Workouts (8 Sessions Total) Focus on Snatch & Clean and Jerk Techniques 🏋️‍♂️💥 _*THE OLYMPIC CLEAN MASTERCLASS*_ : - Comprehensive Clean Progression Course - 20 Theoretical & 12 Practical Lessons - Includes 90 Drills & 60 Video Tutorials
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