BUY/STREAM HERE Merch: Bandcamp: Spotify: Apple Music: Single: This Curse Belongs To Us Released: October 14, 2022 Genre: Symphonic Deathcore Location: Mordor Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: @voidofthebetrayer Credits: Music and Video by Void of the Betrayer Mastered by Buster Odeholm Logo by Moonroot Art Lyrics: Greed Will overcome all senses Killing ourselves Killing our souls Killing our humanity Crushed by the weight of this illness Can’t escape what lingers within Within the depths of my mind we slowly rot At the sight of what beckons us Overwhelming thoughts spread from my he...ad to my hands choking the life out of you Seeing your life flee from your eyes brings us such release This burden this curse only belongs to us This burden this curse only belongs to us As we pry it from your cold hands We know this curse it’s ours This curse belongs to us It’s ours Ours It’s ours it is and we wants it back You should have listened to my greed Alive without breath cold as death Never thirsty ever drinking ’Murderer’ they called us They cursed us drove us away We wept precious We wept to be so alone We forgot the taste of bread The sound of trees The softness of the wind We even forgot our own f*cking name Why does it cry Sméagol? Cruel Men hurts us They tricksed us Of course they did I told you they was tricksy I told you they was false No not its business Leave us alone They stole it from us My precious It’s my birthday b*tch! ⚒ SLAM WORLDWIDE ⚒ Email: contact@ Website: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: @slam_worldwide Big Cartel: ℗ & © 2022 Void Of The Betrayer All rights reserved.
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