32 Bit Minecraft-Redstone-Calculator
It took me about 800 hours to accomplish this gigantic project.
(Multiplication) [6:10] 4 294 967 295 x (-4 294 967 295) = -18 446 744 065 119 617 025
(Subtraction) [2:02] -102 - (-801) = 699
(Divison) [2:49] 197 : 11 = 17 10/11
- 2 x 32 Bit Input (2 x 10-digit number)
- 2 x Decimal to Binary Decoder (32 Bit)
- 32 Bit Adder/Subtractor
- 32 Bit Multiplier
- 8 Bit Divider
- 32 Bit Divider
- 32 Bit Binary to BCD Decoder
- 64 Bit Binary to BCD Decoder
- 60 7-Segment Dis