All Easter Eggs and Secrets Locations - Clive Barker’s Undying

All spots for the Easter Eggs & Secrets throughout the game. This video took a ton of effort and research. That being said, who know’s if there’s more Easter Egg’s out there. If I’d have to guess, more than likely. A lot of these are undocumented online and the world has never seen them before. If you’re an Undying fan and happen to come across this video, good on you. :) Please consider leaving a like! (I had to re-upload this as one of the easter eggs were incomplete). Intro music from: . I do NOT own the track. Chapters: 0:00 - 0. Intro 0:30 - 1. Hound of Gel’Zibar chasing Howlers 0:50 - 2. Gardener has hid alcohol 1:25 - 3. Undying version of Galaga (Shooting Gallery) 4:24 - 4. Snitching Maid 5:03 - 5. Mini Puppet Show 5:42 - 6. The Talking Donkey and Bradys Book 7:13 - 7. The Giant Sheep 8:17 - 8. Hidden Room with Love Letter 9:52 - 9. Sleeping Monk 10:35 - 10. Bethany
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