Hunter Biden Laptop AUTHENTICATED – Media Pretends They Didn’t Lie About It

Two years after its arrival on the political scene, Hunter Biden’s laptop has been “authenticated” by CBS News, invalidating the parade of experts, Democratic operatives and intelligence officials who insisted the laptop was a “classic” example of Russian disinformation – a claim dutifully repeated by the mainstream news media. So will this news lead to a far-reaching mea culpa from media entities, experts and commentators who got it horribly wrong? Don’t hold your breath. Jimmy and his panel of Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger and viral videographer Matt Orfalea discuss how this classic Russian disinformation campaign actually turned out to be regular old American corporate media disinformation. Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: Watch more Matt Orfalea videos here: htt
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