Jon Gomm - The Ghost Inside You

From the album The Faintest Idea: Listen or buy vinyl, CD and Deluxe Edition book/DVD version at Guitar Tab with full walkthrough from Miscarriage is devastating. So difficult to understand. It’s like grieving in reverse: Instead of memories, you have hopes to hold on to. Who are you mourning? I believe in a soul - I have to now - in as much as something to represent the difference between being alive, or inert. The force that is at the source of every person, the fundamental burning core. That place inside us where, when we are totally alone and in darkness, we are all the same. And, being the same, never truly alone. This music was written in a blur after driving home from an abandoned tour in Germany to collapse inward in grief. I’m sorry to everyone I let down then. I can remember the hour or so it took to write only as a single snapshot from outside myself. It is dedicated with constant love
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