The making of a life sized Centaur using chocolate.

The making of a life sized Centaur. This video is for anybody interested in seeing how I made a life sized Centaur using modelling chocolate and polystyrene cake dummies. It takes you through my thought process and the steps. I decided to not use cake on this occasion as she was never intended to be eaten and with her being pretty large it would have been a lot of wasted cake. I hope you enjoy the video and please do let me know what my my next life size project should be? A huge thank you to Cake International for the opportunity to create my first show piece. She was originally supposed to be part of a Feature at the Cake International Cake Show in November but due to Covid the ’physical’ itself show was cancelled albeit she was exhibited in a Virtual Show. She is now living at home with me as she is too big to get out of the house lol. Please ignore the dates and timings in the video as it was originally created back in November.
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