The blog of Dr. John H. Watson - The Visitor

221B gets a visitor. From BBC’s Sherlock, John Watson’s character blog gets hacked. View the entry here: Who lives in a house like this? It’s only meee~ How clean is your house? {reference to a TV show of the same name} I smell baking. It’s apple pie. The glorious Mrs. Hudson. Helloo~ God, look at the wall. So here we are: Sherlock Holmes HQ. Too many notes. {reference to the movie Amadeus} Boring, boring. He’s put headphones on it, good god. Books books books... What do we have here? Temper temper temper... A skull!? I wonder what your skull would look on my wall. More skulls, more skulls. More {indecipherable, please let me know you understand this part} How the hours must fly by... Alas, poor Sherlock, I knew you well. (laugh) {oft misquoted from Hamlet} Time to go, time to go. (laugh, fade out)
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