Scientific Evidence on the Shroud of Turin

Is the Shroud of Turin authentic? See the most recent evidence. Sources: New Studies on the Age Rogers study - 2019 study - Replica Cannot be Recreated 2019 study - 2012 study - National Geographic - #close Dallas Cowboys Watt Usage - Image is Three-Dimensional 33 person STURP team - STURP 3D images - of Image Intensity Jackson Jumper Ercoline 1984 History Channel model of Jesus - Matches Sudarium of Oviedo Blood Stains Study - Forensic Analysis Bucklin analysis - ;jsessionid=81FBC7EAAFCFEF6B27986010AF7BA5B8?doi=&rep=rep1&type=pdf Pollen Grains Frei pollen grains - pollen grains discovered on the Shroud, the largest number (45)&source=bl&ots=Q7-T9oIZqP&sig=ACfU3U31410qKflR873Adwmmb7FL-CyxGg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-m96KiuLoAhWiSt8KHaj8A5gQ6AEwCnoECA0QMA#v=onepage&q=58 pollen grains discovered on the Shroud, the largest number (45)&f=false Coins Minted by Pontius Pilate The Numismatist 1978 cover page - The Numismatist 1978 content - Haralick observations - AB Blood Videos used BBC - Rogers - Great resource covering most of this content - Scientific Evidence on the Shroud of Turin Scientific Evidence on the Shroud of Turin Scientific Evidence shroud of turin shroud of turin science shroud of turin scientific analysis science shroud of turin
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