The Untold Story Of A Haunting In Edmonton, Alberta - Canada (Morgan Knudsen Case)

When we move out on our own, often times, there’s a newfound sense of freedom, feelings of uncertainty and happiness. Happiness that we’ve reached the next steps in our long journey which is just truly beginning. But what would you do if your first residence was haunted? Would all that excitement and anticipation give way to fear, anxiety and terror? This is the story of a woman whose experiences will come to shape the rest of her life just as it was starting. You’ll come to see that when an entity reveals itself, it is almost always a façade of it’s true form. This is the untold story of a haunting in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, better known as the Morgan Knudsen case. This is another story you won’t want to listen to in the dark. In this video I am joined by my friend Aureanna over at Twisted Glam, who is able to add a unique layer to this incredible story. Please do me a favor and check out and subscribe to her channel. She has tons of content you can watch and tons of scary
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