Compilation of Death – issue II (2022 Fryktos reprint)

2022 reprint Compilation of Death – issue II Official reprint on Fryktos Burnings the long time sold out 2nd issue of the Compilation of Death legacy. Including both volumes and both covers. Originally out back in 2012! Almost half of volume 1 is dedicated to IMMOLATION with tons of old and new interviews with different band members, former members, friends and supporters. A massive IMMOLATION tribute! Similar to issue I, you will also find old interviews from cult zines (editors) like Mortem of great Trechoma fanzine, Alan Moses of Buttface zine / Glorious Times book, Sadistig of Sadistic Noise, Kluke of Metal Meltdown fanzine, Hacker of Unholy Terror among others. Interviews: IMMOLATION (special extensive), AFFLICTION GATES, CARNAL DISSECTION, COFFIN TEXTS, DERKETA, ENCOFFINATION, Gene Palubicki (ANGELCORPSE, APOCALYPSE COMMAND, BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY, PERDITION TEMPLE), GODLESS, GOREAPH
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