Altay. Katun river. Ride on motor boat. Kamyshlinskiy waterfall. 4K

0:00 Plans for the day 1:15 Tsarskaya Okhota camping 3:00 Ride on motor boat 4:28 Kamyshlinskiy waterfall 6:51 Rapids & Skerries? 7:19 Red Bridge 8:00 What will happen next? The third day of our trip to the Altai mountains. And now we are at the campsite “Tsarskaya Okhota“, which means “The royal hunt“. We are preparing to take a ride on a motor boat along the beautiful Katun river to the Kamyshlinskiy waterfall. Only after we had put on our life jackets did we realize the seriousness of the attraction! The Katun river is not like the Moscow river near the Kiev railway station! It is a wild and unpredictable forest river, indomitable and dangerous. Of course, at first it was a bit scary, as the water was wide and fast and cold. You see, if we had turned over, it could have been disastrous! To be honest, we were so impressed by our trip on the motorboat along the Katun River that we felt as if we had left all our excitement behind in the water. Therefore, we explored another famous attraction in Chemal, the Kamyshlinskiy Waterfall, in a rather relaxed manner. You know how it feels like eating spicy Korean food, like kimchi, first, and then trying to enjoy a bowl of porridge with butter right after? The bright taste of the kimchi completely overshadows the taste of the porridge. This is exactly what happened when we compared our ride along the Katun River to Kamyshlinskiy waterfall. There is a beautiful legend behind the origin of the Kamyshlinskiy waterfall. The daughter of the chieftain of the local tribe, La, fell in love with a shepherd named Kamysh. However, when her father found out about their relationship, he, in his haste, ordered Kamysh to be thrown off the cliff, as is often the case with parents. La rushed after her beloved, and both of them ended up at the bottom of the cliff. The father, realizing what he had done, pierced himself through the heart with a dagger on top of the cliff. And La and Kamysh became the waterfall that constantly flows down from that peak. And another version about the name of the waterfall, Kamyshlinskiy... This place has been regarded as a place of power since ancient times, where shamans or kams, as they are known in Altai, gather to commune with spirits or kamlat, as it is said in Altai... It is believed that the name “Kamyshlinskiy“ originates from the word “kamlat“. Certainly, interesting stories, but reality, as often happens, turns out to be slightly more prosaic than we would prefer it to be… The waterfall was created in the 1930s when, in order to establish a sawmill, it was decided to build a water mill on the Kamyshla River. For this project, the river bed was artificially reshaped so that there would be a large height difference along the course of the current. That’s how the Kamyshlinskiy waterfall came to be. And no beauty or shamans for you… I apologize if anyone was offended by this simple truth about life! We crossed the so-called Red Bridge and returned to the other side of the Katun, where the Tsarskaya Okhota camping site is located. Our super driver, Sergey, and his comfortable minibus were waiting for us there to take us to our accommodation. According to our guide Alexei, the Red Bridge is officially the longest suspension bridge over the Katun River. The Internet provides some more detailed information, which says it was built in 2009 and has a length of 241 meters. Videos about the Altay journey: Altay. Barnaul. Hotel Tsentral - Barnaul. Altay - Barnaul-Artybash - Altyn Kel lake. Mount Kokuya - Chert’s Finger - Katun river. Ride on motor boat. Kamyshlinskiy waterfall - Subscribe Green Screen Video Stock Videos by ecteezyhttps: // #altay #katun #kamyshlinskiywaterfall #redbridge #siberia #syberia #TsarskayaOkhota #Royalhunt
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