Fudds throughout history

Even in the Garden of Eden itself, Adam was like “Fig leaves? That’s a damn gimmick, Eve. I used to walk around naked without shame. We sure gave those serpents hell, heheh.“ Shoutout to all my /k/ommandos out there, sorry for stealing your memes as a filthy nogunz. Please feel free to accost me in public and accuse me of stolen valour. Wojaks and Chads by the good folks at Marooned Gun Memes. Check them out on Instagram Facebook Music used: Modern Cyberpunk - Militech Combat Theme Jake Angel Beats - South WW2: Fallout New Vegas - American Swing American Civil War - Drum and Fife music WW1: We’re Here Because We’re Here British Grenadiers American Revolution: My Country ’Tis of Thee - Cello Quartet Pirates: Drunken Sailor Alestorm - Treasure Island Aztecs: Both songs from Medieval 2 Total War - Americas campaign Cavemen: Shamanic Drumming shoot in peace gamers
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